Judgments are an integral part of Taxonomy. They represent whatever you want to code about a Record. More specifically, a Judgement might be about the Record, a Study within a Record, or about a Model. To define a judgment you must supply a name, on which JudgementLevel it is (Study, Record, Model), some documentation (i.e., what it is you want to code), and optionally, type constrains, a function to check the validity (e.g., N can not be smaller than zero), and if the judgement can only be made once (unique).

using Taxonomy
using Taxonomy.Judgements
## We can also do specific input checks, e.g. if we want to check if the input has a predefined value:
    A judgement type that codes how accessable a paper is.
    x -> x in ["open", "closed", "none"] ? nothing : throw(ArgumentError("Not an agreed upon value."))
Access("not open")

By default, Judments are assumed to be unique, i.e., there can only be one. If specified more than once, such a Judgement will throw an error. Judgements with unique = false are gathered into a vector.