The idea behind doing the coding in Julia is that we can automate two things.
- We can enforce syntactical requirements with a quick feedback loop for the coder, resulting in less errors.
- We can automatically infer much information, resulting in speedier and less error prone coding.
We implement these automation to detect error/misunderstanding/etc while coding and not long after.
To get a feeling for how this is supposed to work, we code the famous political democracy paper together:
using Taxonomy
first_record = Record(
rater = "AP",
location = DOI("10.2307/2095172"),
n_variables = 6,
loadings = [1, 1.19, 0.53, 0.91, 1, 1],
factor_variance = J(missing, 0.5),
error_covariances_within = [10.7, 12.9, 19])))
# output
┌ Warning: You really should supply an ID. May we suggest (from DOI): 8f1713c9-482b-58cb-8ed4-128c03e9dafb
└ @ Taxonomy ~/Dokumente/GitHub/Taxonomy.jl/src/record.jl:20
rater: String
id: Missing
location: UsualDOI{String, Missing}
meta: ExtensiveMeta{MinimalMeta}
judgements: Dict{Symbol, Vector{Union{Study, AbstractJudgement}}}
julia> year(first_record)
julia> apa(first_record)
"Bollen, K. A. (1980). Issues in the Comparative Measurement of Political Democracy. American Sociological Review, 45(3), 370.\n"
julia> ExtractStudy(first_record)[1].judgements[:Model][1].judgements[:Taxon][1]
n_variables: JudgementInt{Int64}
loadings: JudgementVecNumber{Vector{Float64}}
factor_variance: JudgementNumber{Missing}
error_variances: JudgementVecNumber{Missing}
error_covariances_within: JudgementVecNumber{Vector{Float64}}
error_covariances_between: JudgementVecNumber{Missing}
crossloadings_incoming: JudgementVecNumber{Missing}
crossloadings_outgoing: JudgementVecNumber{Missing}
quest_scale: JudgementNumber{Missing}
Generally, DOIs are the best and easiest thing to get metadata, however, sometimes none is availible:
using Taxonomy
rater = "AP",
id = "96ac4220-45d2-43ca-930d-afb67763f56f", # ID gets recommended by the function.
location = NoDOI(
url = "",
author = "Ernst, Maximilian Stefan and Peikert, Aaron",
title = "StructuralEquationModels.jl: A fast and flexible SEM framework",
year = 2022, # date is omitted
journal = "No Real Journal"
n_variables = 6,
loadings = [1, 1.19, 0.53, 0.91, 1, 1],
factor_variance = J(missing, 0.5),
error_covariances_within = [10.7, 12.9, 19])))
# output
rater: String
id: Base.UUID
location: NoDOI
meta: MinimalMeta
judgements: Dict{Symbol, Vector{Union{Study, AbstractJudgement}}}