Useful Links

Official Documentation

Arguably the most important and useful link is the one to the official Julia Documentation. It might be quite technical from time to time, but is a great and extensive documentation of many aspects of the Julia language. Once you are more familiar with julia, the sections Performance Tips and the Style Guide might be especially helpful.

Julia Forum

The best place to ask for help is the Julia forum (and for Julia-related questions, you will typically get better answers than e.g. on stack overflow). Everybody can ask/answer questions there, especially beginners.

Use Juliaup for Julia Version Management

If you're comfortable using the shell and already have some experience with the terminal, you may want to install Juliaup. It helps you to manage multiple versions of the Julia programming language and you'll be notified when a new version becomes available. To install Juliaup, check out the Juliaup GitHub page. After the installation just execute juliaup add release in your terminal and you're ready to go.


If you like working in the Julia REPL, but you miss things like syntax highlighting and bracket completion, you may want to check out OhMyREPL.

Style Guide

If you are interested in how to write beautiful Julia code, this Style Guide might be helpful.


If your code is slow and you don't know why, profiling can help you find the problematic parts. We like the ProfileView.jl package.


Cheat sheets